Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

sehari di gua mulu, sarawak

Sedar tk sedar sampai juga akhir aku kt gua mulu, sarawak.. nk dikatakan rezeki aku laa.. sambil2 ikot otai2 ofis aku pegi ke mulu bertujuan 'valuation airport'. bak kata org sambil menyelam minum air.. alang-alang aku kt sini, sambil wt keja sambil makan angin laa.. hehhee..
mana aku bermalam??. of course la royal mulu.. hahha.. best ke???. mmg best laa.. cam pelancong dh aku rasa... kebayakan semua pelancong asing.. nk kata org kita tkde tu.. mmg tkde pun.. sepanjang aku kt sana yang aku nampak.. cina.. jepun.. yg paling ramai mat saleh dan minah saleh.. mana org kita?... entah!!......

Jambatan ke Royal Mulu

buah apakah ini!!...

santapan malam di royal mulu...

Bermula la perjalanan menuju ke gua

Tgk signboard mcm dh dekat 800meter beb!!.. time tu.. perh.. mmg seronok laa.. upenya.... korang nk tahu.,.. 800meter tu baru tempat @ pintu @ masuk hutan @ kawsan gunung baru tahu tk... dr situ 30-1jam perjalan ke pintu gua... nasib la aku ni tk lemah jantung... berbekalkan semangat juang yang tinggi aku teruskan perjalanan aku jugak laa, hehhe.... sambil bertemankn sahabat-sehabat seperjuaganku.... 

lubang ape pun aku tk tahu, main ambik je... huhu

sungai ke??.. 

gua kelawar.. 

yg ni pun sama laa.. gua kelawar

kt gua kelawar ni la aku berenti berehat. kt kawasan ni terdapat kawasan lapang, gmbr kt atas tu diambil dr tempat aku rehat la tu.. hehhee.. mana gmbr tempat rehat???.. maafla ya.... mmg aku ada ambik.. tp mana ntoh.. hilang kemana aku pun tk tahu... mengah, semput aku mencari... tk jumpa laaaa.... jd............ letak jela ape yg ada.. kuikuikui.... 
kalu korang nk tahu... kt sini la segerombolan kelawar akan keluar beramai2 dr pintu gua yg korang tgk kt atas tu...  aku nk tunjuk pun tkde gmbr... tp mmg aku tk tipu laa.. kt situ la kelawar tu keluar.. kalu tk caya tnya la org yg dh pi.. hehhee.... 

 ulat bulu??!!...

.....Indahnya ciptaan tuhan

cuba korang tgk gmbr kt bwh ni.. ape yg korang nmpk... magik??.. silap mata?/.. editing?/.. semua tu tk laa.. ni real ni.... sama ada ia diukir @ betul2 aku pun tk tahu... fakta yg sahih belum diperolehi...
Klau korang nk tahu... ni la ukiran pada batu gua gmbr Abraham Lincoln. Sapa ABraham Lincoln??>. sapa ek?? 
Gabenor sarawak kot??. tahun bila??. eh byk tnya laaa... korang cari la sendiri dsalam buku sejarah pasatu gtau aku.. aku pun tk tahu... hahahaha

abraham lincoln

Untuk tidak mengewakan korang semua.... korang bacalah bawah ni.. 

Abraham Lincoln Biography

byname Honest Abe, the Rail-Splitter , or the Great Emancipator

( 1809 – 1865 )

(born February 12, 1809, near Hodgenville, Kentucky, U.S.—died April 15, 1865, Washington, D.C.) 16th president of the United States (1861–65), who preserved the Union during the American Civil War and brought about the emancipation of the slaves. (For a discussion of the history and nature of the presidency, presidency of the United States of America.)(In February 2009, on the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincoln's birth, Britannica asked two prominent contributors to answer some Lincoln-related questions on the Britannica Blog. Noted historian James McPherson, author Tried by War and of Britannica's article “Translating Thought in Action: Grant'sPersonal Memoirs,” addresses Lincoln's role as commander in chief during the American Civil War; and New Yorkerwriter Adam Gopnik, author Angels and Ages and of the cultural life section of Britannica's United States article, considers Lincoln's similarities and differences with Charles Darwin, with whom he shares his birthday.)
Among American heroes, Lincoln continues to have a unique appeal for his fellow countrymen and also for people of other lands. This charm derives from his remarkable life story—the rise from humble origins, the dramatic death—and from his distinctively human and humane personality as well as from his historical role as saviour of the Union and emancipator of the slaves. His relevance endures and grows especially because of his eloquence as a spokesman for democracy. In his view, the Union was worth saving not only for its own sake but because it embodied an ideal, the ideal of self-government. In recent years, the political side to Lincoln's character, and his racial views in particular, have come under close scrutiny, as scholars continue to find him a rich subject for research. The Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., was dedicated to him on May 30, 1922.


Born in a backwoods cabin 3 miles (5 km) south of Hodgenville, Kentucky, Lincoln was two years old when he was taken to a farm in the neighbouring valley of Knob Creek. His earliest memories were of this home and, in particular, of a flash flood that once washed away the corn and pumpkin seeds he had helped his father plant. His father, Thomas Lincoln, was the descendant of a weaver's apprentice who had migrated from England to Massachusetts in 1637. Though much less prosperous than some of his Lincoln forebears, Thomas was a sturdy pioneer. On June 12, 1806, he married Nancy Hanks. The Hanks genealogy is difficult to trace, but Nancy appears to have been of illegitimate birth. She has been described as “stoop-shouldered, thin-breasted, sad,” and fervently religious. Thomas and Nancy Lincoln had three children: Sarah, Abraham, and Thomas, who died in infancy.

Childhood and youth

In December 1816, faced with a lawsuit challenging the title to his Kentucky farm, Thomas Lincoln moved with his family to southwestern Indiana. There, as a squatter on public land, he hastily put up a “half-faced camp”—a crude structure of logs and boughs with one side open to the weather—in which the family took shelter behind a blazing fire. Soon he built a permanent cabin, and later he bought the land on which it stood. Abraham helped to clear the fields and to take care of the crops but early acquired a dislike for hunting and fishing. In afteryears he recalled the “panther's scream,” the bears that “preyed on the swine,” and the poverty of Indiana frontier life, which was “pretty pinching at times.” The unhappiest period of his boyhood followed the death of his mother in the autumn of 1818. As a ragged nine-year-old, he saw her buried in the forest, then faced a winter without the warmth of a mother's love. Fortunately, before the onset of a second winter, Thomas Lincoln brought home from Kentucky a new wife for himself, a new mother for the children. Sarah Bush Johnston Lincoln, a widow with two girls and a boy of her own, had energy and affection to spare. She ran the household with an even hand, treating both sets of children as if she had borne them all; but she became especially fond of Abraham, and he of her. He afterward referred to her as his “angel mother.”

The mystery of Abraham Lincoln in Mulu, Sarawak

Abraham Lincoln, (1809-1865) born in Kentucky, USA was the 16th President of the United States...
He was regarded as one of the best and most influential President of the United States in history.
And deep in the jungles of Borneo, lies the world's most extraordinary cave systems in the globally famous Gunung Mulu National Parks near Miri, Sarawak.
Gunung Mulu National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that encompasses incredible caves and karst formations in a mountainous equatorial rainforest setting. 

The park is famous for its caves and multi shaped rocks formations, formed by nature and geological process about 5 million years ago..
Within Gunung Mulu National Park is the world's biggest natural enclosed space - Sarawak chamber, found in Gua Nasib Bagus.
The Sarawak chamber is 2,300 feet (700 m) long, 1,300 feet (396 m) wide and at least 230 feet (70 m) high or equivalent to 12 million cubic metre in volume.
According to reports, the super huge enclosure is big enough to fit 5 St. Peter's Basilica or 20 Boeing 747 jumbojets inside.
Other notable caves are Benarat Cavern, Deer Cave, Wind Cave, and Clearwater Cave (the 10th longest cave in the world spanning 151 km), which exposes parts of a long underground river going through the park.
However, one rock formation in Mulu is truly magical.
It has the profile side-view of Abraham Lincoln.
The profile of the 16th President of the US can be clearly seen at the entrance of the Deer cave..

How is it possible??? Only God knows...

Come, visit Mulu....

- cane?? puas hati tk??. okla tu kan...  hehe....

tut.. tut.. tut... 

akhir kata.. nk balik dh... bertut-tut la aku ke airport..Insya'Allah ada masa aku kembali lagi.... babai, tata, titi. tutu....////!!!!!!........

Jumaat, 11 Februari 2011

tahukah anda?!!....


1. Tahukah anda apabila 350ml air yang diambil dari sinki dan kemudiannya dituangkan ke dalam cerek yang mengandungi 150ml air suling dan dibiarkan terdedah kepada nyalaan api bersuhu 100 darjah celcius akan menghasilkan satu cecair yang dinamakan air masak.

2. Percayakah anda yang air sirap merupakan salah satu bahan asas dalam pembinaan sebuah helikopter. Ini kerana kajian telah dibuat, seorang pembina helikopter memerlukan air sirap untuk menghilangkan keletihan semasa membuat helikopter, tanpa air sirap mungkin helikopter tersebut tidak dapat disiapkan.

3. Sebuah kereta yang dipandu selaju 220 km/j tidak akan dapat memotong kereta yang dipandu selaju 40 km/j sekiranya kereta-kereta tersebut dipandu dari arah yang bertentangan.

4. Tahukah Anda dalam bahasa Inggeris dan Italy,jurugambar dikenali sebagai paparazi. Perkataan itudipercayai diambil dari watak paparazzo dalam filem La Dolce Vita yang diterbitkan oleh Federico Fellinipada tahun 1960. Dalam bahasa melayu pula, ayah kepada seorang budak yang bernama Razzi juga boleh dikenali dengan nama papa Razzi.

5. Tahukah Anda bendera negara Denmark telah dicipta 700 tahun lampau, menjadikan bendera paling lama digunakan di dunia lebih lama daripada penggunaan susu cap bendera.

6. Tahukah Anda magnet ialah sejenis logam yang juga digelar besi berani. Sebagaimana namanya magnet ialah besi yang berani menarik butir-butir besi lain kearahnya. Bagaimanapun orang yang diupah untuk menarik kereta bukanlah magnet.

7. Tahukah Anda cicak memutuskan ekornya apabila diganggu. Apabila cicak menyedari yang dia diekori oleh sesuatu, ia akan memutuskan ekornya supaya benda itu tidak mengekorinya lagi atas alasan tanpa ekor sudah tentu ia tidak akan diekori lagi.

8. Tahukan anda bahawa seorang manusia normal tidak boleh menyentuh telinganya sendiri menggunakan siku.

9. Tahukah Anda burung dapat pulang ke sarangnya walaupun telah keluar kadangkala hingga beribu kilometer daripada sarangnya tanpa sesat atau silap walaupun tanpa bantuan kompas. Ini kerana setiap sarang burung mempunyai alamatnya yang tersendiri sebenarnya.

10. Tahukah Anda bunyi perkataan lempeng dan tempeleng adalah hampir sama walaupun ia berbeza dari segi rupa bentuknya. Tapi, walaubagaimanapun orang yang kena tempeleng masih boleh memakan lempeng apabila dia berasa lapar.

11. Tahukah Anda gunung berapi yang berusia tiga ratus tahun disahkan masih aktif untuk meletup. Tapi mengikut kajian ahli gunung, api elektrik di rumah kita tidak akan aktif jika tidak membayar bilnya selama tiga bulan.
12. Tahukah Anda orang yang tidak pernah kisah langsung tentang wang ringgit, pangkat, kedudukan dan harta dunia ialah Orang Utan.

13. Tahukah Anda ahli sains seluruh dunia bersepakat jika nasi ayam dimakan sewaktu lapar, perut kita akan mengalami satu tindakbalas yang berupa kekenyangan. Nasi ayam juga boleh digunakan sebagai ubat untuk menggembirakan hati kita bila nasi ayam yang dimakan itu dibelanja oleh kawan kita.

14. Dan tahukah anda bahawa hampir kesemua pembaca koleksi terbaik ini telah mencuba untuk menyentuh telinga menggunakan siku. ehehehehhehehehehe eh…..Sentuh la telinga korang dgn siku sampai ia kena…….Tak normal la korang maknanya

kuikuikuikui... layannnn!!...............

Khamis, 10 Februari 2011

buat pertam kali....

hari ini dalam sejarah... berteman komputer yang ada kt depan mata aku ni dan dalam keadaan kebosanan... tetiba aku terjebak dalam dunia yang aku pun tk tahu betol ke aku kt sini.. hahaha.. org kata alang-alang meyelok pekasam biarla ke pangkal lengan.. ni bukan lengan dh ni.. bahu terus cecah ke rambut dh aku rasa,.... hehehe.. ape2 pun.. selamat datang ke dunia blogger untuk diri aku sendiri.. ;-p